Monday, December 28, 2009

The art of Making a River Boarding Music video or movie.

The art of Making a River Boarding Music video or movie.

The art of Making a River Boarding Music video or movie.

The art of Making a River Boarding Music video or movie.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

River Board Jones

Stream a rivers dream, steam a rivers love flow a a lot of light burn a hotter soul everything must grow. Grow in the flow with the River Board Jones here is a free music video of mine regarding such.

River Board Jones

Stream a rivers dream, steam a rivers love flow a a lot of light burn a hotter soul everything must grow. Grow in the flow with the River Board Jones here is a free music video of mine regarding such.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A winter musical celebration of River Boarding

The Journey of life is often running its own course ahead of its self, unless it is tested tried and true; nothing ventured nothing gained. Its the turning points for better or worse that so often shape who we are and yet we can't see ahead of us that far to know until we try. Getting what you want out of life is like dancing with your own soul only you can't see your partner yet; That's why I love River Boarding so much even in the middle of winter my River Boarding spot is there when I need it, nice and wet just like I like it. Their seems to be some mysterious beckoning to my soul hidden within the River that just keeps me in tune with my music and ready to deal with the unknown path ahead in the new form of River Boarding Music that celebrates the spirit of River Boarding and the life that it involves and shapes its destiny with the stars glow into and through the night to bring the dream of river boarding to the light of day in a winter musical celebration of River Boarding in all of good cheer all through the new year.

A winter musical celebration of River Boarding

The Journey of life is often running its own course ahead of its self, unless it is tested tried and true; nothing ventured nothing gained. Its the turning points for better or worse that so often shape who we are and yet we can't see ahead of us that far to know until we try. Getting what you want out of life is like dancing with your own soul only you can't see your partner yet; That's why I love River Boarding so much even in the middle of winter my River Boarding spot is there when I need it, nice and wet just like I like it. Their seems to be some mysterious beckoning to my soul hidden within the River that just keeps me in tune with my music and ready to deal with the unknown path ahead in the new form of River Boarding Music that celebrates the spirit of River Boarding and the life that it involves and shapes its destiny with the stars glow into and through the night to bring the dream of river boarding to the light of day in a winter musical celebration of River Boarding in all of good cheer all through the new year.

Monday, October 26, 2009

keep on with the dream

Man I sure have a river board jones right now so I have decided that I don't care what season it is if my passion is not going to leave me alone about it then I am going River Boarding. After many years of harnessing the beast within to dance with nature in all her elements. I came up with a song that helps put an ear to the voice of the river as it echoes its ever resounding image of life in all its bountiful seasons to give heed to the River Board Jones which will be released on october 31st 2009 for all to answer the call of the river within flowing to meet the dream of a new professional sport. Please check out my music for which the soul is intended.

keep on with the dream

Man I sure have a river board jones right now so I have decided that I don't care what season it is if my passion is not going to leave me alone about it then I am going River Boarding. After many years of harnessing the beast within to dance with nature in all her elements. I came up with a song that helps put an ear to the voice of the river as it echoes its ever resounding image of life in all its bountiful seasons to give heed to the River Board Jones which will be released on october 31st 2009 for all to answer the call of the river within flowing to meet the dream of a new professional sport. Please check out my music for which the soul is intended.