Tuesday, March 13, 2018

River Ruler Entertainment Cast & Crew Release Sample

I Accept All Of The Conditions And Provisions Of The Following Release Form Covering My Work On The Production Which Is Tentatively Titled:

And Which Is Being Produced By River Ruler Entertainment.


I Assign To River Ruler Entertainment The Ownership And All The Rights To Use, Exhibit, Distribute, Assign, License, And Otherwise Exploit The Products Of My Work On The Production. I Also Waive The Any And All Claims To Copyright, Patent, Or Other Ownership Of My Work Products On The Production.

I Agree To Keep Confidential All Written, Creative, Technical And Financial Detail Of The Production Unless Requested By River Ruler Entertainment To Disclose Such Information.

I Agree To Participate In Publicity For The Production.


I Indemnify River Ruler Entertainment The Owners Of Any Locations Used, And The Owners Of Any Uninsured Rental Equipment Against Any Claims And Demands Of Personal Injury, Damage To Property, And Death Resulting From My Work On The Production.

I Understand That I Am Responsible For All Necessary Personal Injury, Death, And Liability Insurances, And Am Responsible For Any Damage Caused By My Actions And My Personal Property Used During My Work On The Production.

I Accept Full Responsibility For All Personal Risks During My Work On The Production.


I Am Volunteering My Services For The Production. I Understand That I Will Receive Credit Under The Following Name In The Screen Credits Of The Completed Production:

Name For Screen Credits


Name [Print]                                      Signature                                    Date


Social Security #          -         -         

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