Thursday, February 24, 2011

Laughing Boy & Girl Song Lyrics by Jeremy Matthews

The laughing boy and girl met one day. The laughing boy and girl would laugh and play all the day, throughout their lives they would laugh and play. Throughout the world they would spread light and joy to whoever would laugh and play and share in their way and for my part I should impart the better part of the whole but who am I but a solemn praise of silence, reflected out through the words in a song like a prayer dancing on the end of time. Though its more than can seem to ever be be and though I seem frightened to share my soul. I will not run away, into fear, courage comes a new day with the old selfsame each new day. Let's bring a new day for in my soul I found my heart pouring down the mountain. I made my youth of good use and though I seem frightened I will not run away. Innocence of youth, selfsame I've kept the same to share light and joy all my way. You can say I'm insecure that only means I'm innocent for all my days. Pure of heart I'll make my way, longing for, stepping through in fragments of youth in bitter, scattered, shattered, memories of a time before. The laughing boy and the laughing girl met one day and throughout their lives they would spread light and joy and give all their love from the spirit finding a home for their heart.

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