Thursday, February 24, 2011

Soul Flight a Poem by Jeremy Matthews

Friend you walk through my valley of pith speaking of golden rifts and brittle tiffs, eyes wide through the sky, tree lines wide as they are narrow, rivers flicker a talon's arrow, circle after circle waiting for gleaming swirls of nourishment. Swoop the air right out of me, dare not lack a fish's eye in a dive, swoop it back to top flight. A mountain stands above when you can fly below therefore move toward the cliff for I can fly as did once while wandering in the river below out in the forest above. A journeying eye did I feather into what I saw at sea and cut flames of wings assuming the ocean will chop, chop, chop, drop cut open a tree and look at what I see. Anger into sea flowing the river unto aggression wherefore do I love aggression? Because it keeps me out of depression and stops me from letting my soul die slowly not even trying to keep my soul from flying off the cliff. Tomorrow will be today just like yesterday, my mind is free to get with the day, I only hope it doesn't run astray from the path my heart wishes to follow for if my heart and soul do not agree then I'm moving towards yesterday instead of tomorrow wherefore will I move through my life and each time chop drop this tree door moving on through. I will stop and observe each passage hinge wings flight so that talons may clasp wisdom that lay behind each particular door. I will learn from my mistakes and experiences so that I may move on and chop drop new doors and new places until death but that's just the beginning of the end for it's only a lifetime dear friend.

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